Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
Hots God himfeif f nc`ti fieth his name. 269 is the fame with that ()four Saviour, John x 2.2 8. Father, gl ®rifle thy name; or with that of David, Pfal. 57. 6, x I. Be thou exalted, Lord, above the heavens , and thy glory above all the earth ;or that,Pfal. 115. I . Not urto us, 0 Lord, ntt tento us, &c. The Lord Both fanecifie his name I. When he x °w God faiciaw I l3 dotti Phew forth and manifeft the excellencie and his name. glory of his name, that is, of his attributes and per - fe &ions, as wifdome, power, &c. but efpecially by making manifeft the glory of his mercy and juflice. Of mercy; by preferving his Church, and multiplying his bleflings upon the faithfull,Ezech. 36. 21. For the glory ofhis own name he preferved his Church amongft the heathen, and promifed to reduce them into their own countrey : not for their fakes, but.his holy names fake, v. 22. and then V. 2 3. I will f né ifie my great name, which was polluted a- mongf.t the heathen (namely, becaufe of the of li:tion of his people) v. 20. and the heathen [hall know that d am the Lord, (with the Lord, God, when I _pall be find- jedin you before their eyes, &c. So 2e Theft I. 12. Of his juflice and power; in executing. his judge- ments on tranfgreffours and on the wicked, and overthrowing the enemies of his Church. When Nadab and Abihu had offered ftrange fire contrary to the commandment of God, and were deflroyed by fire from heaven , he fail, I will be fanc`i fred in them that come near me;(that is, By executing judge- ment even againft thofe that are near to me, I will make manifeft the glory of my juflice) and before all the people will I be glorifled, Levit. 10. 3. Ifai. 5.1 5, 16. By the judgements of God executed upon the wicked
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