Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
Reif ns moving u! to the dude of prayer. him they do deny him, Tit. i . i 6.and therefore this is obferved as a note of the foolifh Atheift , who faith that there is no God,that he doth not call . upon the Lord, Pfal. 14.4. Because it Secondly, It is a principal) part of that worfhip is the end °_ of God for which the nature of man was at the °ur creation firft created according to his image, and for which and redemp it was redeemed, viz. that we might worfhip him ti °n, in holineffe and righteoufneffe : and therefore thofe who will not call upon him rob God of that honour that is due unto him, and as much as in them lyeth go about to frufirate that end for which they were created and redeemed : So principali, that fome- times the duty of invocation is put for the whole worfhip of God, as Gen. 21.3 3. & 2 6. t 5. as if it were all in all. In which regard the temple which was provided for Gods worfhip was called the houle -of prayer, Efa. 5 6.7. And no marvel! ; for by this one duty of invocation we exercife and teftifie our religion, our faith, our love both of God and man, our affiance and hope, &c. Thirdly, It is injoyned in the morali law of 3' BecauCe it inJoyned God, which is generali and perpetuall,and is there- f6rein the moral! alto required in the gofpel, And if you ask law. in what part of the law ; I anfwer, In both ta- bles ; as a duty of religion to God, and of charity to our neighbour, for whofe good we either pray or give thanks : In every commandment ; as the common means whereby we are enabled to per - form the feverall duties, and to attein thofe ver- rues which are therein prefcribed : But 'chiefly it is commanded in the commandments of the firft ta- ble ; 9
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