Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

270 Hon, God himfelf f ntIifieth his same. .wicked it is Paid that man (hall be humbled and brought low, but the Lord of hogs /hall be exalted in judgement, and the holy God./la be fan ¿lifted in Nike. Ezech. 28. 22. Thus faith the Lord God , Behold, I come againft thee, Sidon; and I will be glorified in the rnidfl of thee : and they /hall know that Í am the Lord, when IJhall have executed judgements in her, and /hall be rn ifeedin her : For I will fend into her peftilence, &c. And chap.38. 22, 23. he threatneth to rain fire andbrimilone upon Gog and Magog, that is, both the open and fecret enemies of the Church, &c. Thus, faith he, will I be magnified and ramified and known in the eyes of many nations, andthey /hall know that I am the Lord. II. God Both fan6tifie and glorifie his name, when he doth remove the impediments of his gro- z.rhef%3,,. ry, as idolatry & worshipping of falfe gods,fuperffi- tion, ignorance, and giveth a free paífage to his Gofpel , when he taketh away the wicked , Pfal. 104. 35. III. By freeing it from the abufes & pollutions of men, and mainteining his own glory. When Mofes and Aaron at the waters of Strife did not fan6tifie the Lord by believing and acknowledging his omnipotent power, then the Lord did fan tifie his name himfelf, Num. 20. 12, 13. Lev. 22. 32. Neither (hall ye pollute my holy name; but 1 will be hal- lowed amongft the people of Ifrael. So when Herod would not give the glory to God, the Lord glorifi- ed himfelfin his deflruc`fiion. In the fecond place therefore we pray in zeal .of Gods glory, That howfoever men pollute and profane his holy name, yet