Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
The' feecond Petition. 27 yet he would glorifie it, and manifeft the praife both of his mercy in bleffing and preferving his Church , and alfo of his juftice in executing his judgements upon the wicked and enemies of his Church, by removing the impediments, by freeing it from the pollution of men, and mainteining his glory. Duties. . Zeal of his glory, that he may fanetifie it what= foever become of me. z. Fear to profane his name, feeing he will be fanEtified, &c. V. i o. 'F.7,4 aao7NHx n, Thy kingdome come. What Gods kingdome is. THe firft petition conteined the main fcope of all our delires: This and the next contein the way and means whereby that end is to be atchie- ved: for then is God glorified when his kingdome is advanced and his will is performed. The meaning o f the words, Thy kingdome come. We muft know that there are two kingdomes Two king- in the world ruling in the minds and hearts of domes in this world:. men ; the one of darkneffe the other of light .the firí} the the one of Satan, the other of God, Col.i.i3. kingdomcof unto the one of which every man in the world darknene is fubje't. The kingdome of Satan and dark - neffe is, whereby the children of difobedience being blindfolded and bewitched of the devil go on and continue in ignorance and finne to their own perdition. The prince of this kingdome is Satan, the prince of the air, Ephef. 2. 2. and God of this, world, 2. Cor. 4.4. John I2. 31. The fubjeEts.are all
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