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272 What Gods kingdom is. all men by nature, untill they be brought out ofthis 'kingdome of Satan into the kingdome of God: and then is the kingdome of God faid to come to them. But in this fubjedion do none finally remain but the reprobate, who are the children of Obedience, in whom Satan worketh efec`ually, Ephef. 2. 2. and blindeth their minds, that the light of the glorious go- p el of the kingdome of Godfhine not unto them, 2. Gor. 4.4. aiad carrieth them away captive to the obedience of his will, 2.Tim. 2. 26. The law of this kingdome whereby he ruleth is finne: Hujus regni vbuoç eji dvo&d , Thelon; of this kingdome is to be without law. This fin reigneth in the mortali bodies of men,making them give up their members to be infiruments of Panne unto iniquity, Rom. 6. 12113. utitill it pleafe God to let his kingdome come upon them, ruling them by his word and fpirit. The end of this kingdome is endleffe perdition, 2. Theff. r. 9. and againfl this kingdome are we taught to pray in this place, &c. The fecond The other is the kingdome of God: And this is is the long- either univerfall or fpeciall. The univerfall is that Ga° °od1e °. funi- whereby the Lord ruleth over all things, even over , z verfall over his enemies; whereunto all things are fubjed, and 211. from which fubjeClion nothing can exempt it fell. This of Divines is called regnum potenti. , the king- dome of power: whereof the holy Ghoft fpeaketh Pfal.99.1,2. and r45.13. and in the claufe of this prayer ; Forthineis the kingdome. But moft plainly Pfal.1o3.19. The Lord hath eflablífhedhis throne in heaven, and his kingdomeis over all. This kingdome nothing can refill , nothing can hinder, no not al- though