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What Gods kingdome is: 273 though all creatures fhould band themfelves togé- ther againíi it. The fpeciall kingdome of God is that whereby Z. Special!, he ruleth not over all men in generall,but onely over Church the Churchsthat is, the company ofthe elect. And as there be two parts of the Church, the one mili- tant upon the earth,the other triumphant in heaven; fo are there two parts of Gods kingdome : the firft ofgrace, the Church militant; the fecond of glory, the Church triumphant. The former is the blefred eftate of Chriftians in whom he reigneth in this life: for it doth not confiftin meat anddrink,or in any tem- porali or worldly thing, but it is righteoufnes,that is, affurance of jufiification, and peace of confcience arifing from thence, Rom. 5.1. and joy in the holy Ghofl, a confequent of both the other, Rom.14.17. The latter is the glorious and blefied eftate of the Of the king faithfull after this life, where they !hall have the dr me of gio- fruition of God in whof prefence there is fulne ofjoy, Pfal.x6.ii. &c. Of thefe two the former is the way to the lat_ ter: therefore whofoever would be an inheritour of the kingdome of glory in heaven,muft fir!} be a fub. je61 of God in the kingdome of grace in this life, Luke 22.3o. and therefore out of the Church there is no falvation. And on the other fide, whofoever is a true fubjet of God in the kingdome of grace, fhall be an heir of glory in heaven : and therefore to them that be true members of the Church there is no condemnation.And this David teacheth us,Pfal. 15.1. Who Mall fjourn, &c. both parts of that que- ftion concerning one and the fame man. Of the king, The kingdome of grace is that government dome of T whereby grace. 1010