Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

274 What Gods kingdome is. whereby the Lord doth effeauallyrule in our hearts by his word and Spirit, working in us his own pod work of grace, and making us fellow- citizens, and meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the faints, and of the hots/bold of God, Ephef. 2. 19. Saints in light, Col. r. r 2. In this kingdome the Prince is the Lord, who exercifeth this kingdome by his Sonne, Pfal. 96.1c.. and 97. 1. and 0 . 1 . The people are the Church; which is therefore called the kingdome of heaven, Matth. 5.19. and the particular fubjets are all true Chriflians. The fceptre of this kingdome is the word of God, Pfal. I r o. which is alto the law whereby he reigneth ; and is therefore called the word of the kingdome, Matth. 13. r 9. the gofpel of the kingdome of God, Mark r. 14. The preaching of which word and gofpel is alfo called the kingdome of heaven, Matth. r 3. r i . and 22 . 2, &c. Whereby the way we may note, that where the word of God and gofpel of the kingdome is truly preached, there is the kingdome & confequently the Church of God: and therefore that may be alfo verified of us which our Saviour Chrift fpeaketh of the Jews, that the kingdome of God is amongfl us , Luke r7. 2 r. This preaching of the word is alfo called the arm of God, Ifa. 5 3 . r . whereby he pulleth men out of darknefe into light, and out of the power of Satan unto God, As 26.18. But efpecially the Lord ruleth in our hearts by his Spirit, drawing us unto his Sonne, bending and bowing us to the obedience of his word, in- lightening our minds , and fanc`i:ifying our hearts, and leading us into all truth, &c. mortifying finne and corruption in us, and renewing us unto holineffe of