Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

What it is for Gods kingdome to collie: of life. The end of this kingdome is the kingdome of glory. And therefore Chrifl faith to his Church, Luke 12.3 z. Fear not little, flock, &c. For therefore doth he pull us out of the kingdome of darknefl'e, and bring us into the kingdome of grace, that by faith we may have remiffion offnnes and inheritance among them that are fanCi fied, ACts 26. IS. By rea- fon of the certainty hereof it is faid that thofe that believe have everlaf ing life, John 5.24. and are tranf- lated from death unto life : that thofe whom Godhath juflified he hath air() glorified, Rom.8.3o. The kingdome of glory in refpeá of us is the bleffed eílate of the godly in heaven , when a,s God hall be all in all, 1. Cor. 15. 2 8. where God hath pre- pared fitch things for them that love him as neither the eye of man bath feeen, nor Bare heard, nor &c. 1. Cor. 2.9. What this word come fagnifieth. ,E,,a;,, Adveniat. This word Come, is divertly to be expounded according to the divers fignificati- ons of the kingdome ofGod. The univerfall king- dome, or kingdome of power, is faid to come when it is manifetled and made apparent that all things are guided by the power and providence of God. Here therefore we are taught to pray, That the How Gods Lord would vouchfafe to advance his kingdome, univerkingdfall & bring all things into fubjedion under his feet; and is fain tome allo that all men may acknowledge this univerfa11C0rre kingdome of God, ruling all things according to the counflof his will, and may willingly fubmit them - felves to the government of this abfolute Lord,who hath placed his feat in heaven, and his kingdomeruleth T 2 over 275