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?76 What it is for Gods kingdome to come: over all ; That he would fuddue his enemies, Prat.; I 10.2. governing them with an iron rod, Revel. i 2.5. and 19.15. and druifing them like a potters ve /l,P fal. 2.9. That he would execute his holy and eternall decrees, both in the generali government of the world, and alfo in the faving of the elegy, and de- firoying the reprobare, to his own glory, working all things according to the counfel of his will. And albeit this kingdome cannot be refilled or hindred maugre all the enemies thereof, yet we are to pray that it may come; and that he would exalt his kingdome, as before glorifie his name : not meaning thereby to move God, but to thew the concurrence of our will with Gods will, and our affection towards the ad- vancement of Gods kingdome, and zeal towards his glory. How the Secondly, the kingdome of grace is Paid to come kingdome unto us, whenas it is either begun & erected in us, or ooff grace Co. continued and increafed amongf} us. And in this be- half we are taught to pray not onely for the coming of this kingdome, but alfo for the granting of the means whereby it cometh, 8z alto removing the im- pediments ofthe coming. I.As touching the coming it felf, we are to note out of this word, That we come not to this kingdome of grace of our felves, but this kingdome cometh unto us, and in coming preventeth us, as our Saviour fpeaketh, Luke i i. 2o. fi, is come upon you : for we naturally are the bondfaves of Satan, and fubjeós of the kingdome of darknefïe; out of which bondage we are not able to come except the Lord do pull us: and as our Savi- eur faith, John 6.44. Ao man cometh to the Sonne but whom