Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

What it is for Gods kingdome to Come: 27.7 whom the Father draweth. Wherein appeáreth the undelerved mercy of God in preventing us, in reek- ing that which was loft , in being found of them that fought him not,in coming to them that neither could nor would (through their own default) come unto him. And fecondly, becaufe there muff be al- wayes a daily progreffe in this kingdome, and work of grace in this life, therefore we are taught to pray daily that this kingdome may come. Now let us fee how this kingdome cometh, and Three de= what it iswhich here we ask. Of the coming of this gercm o of thfe ing kingdome there be three degrees : The firft is the chriífsking- pulling and drawing us out of the kingdome of Sa- dame. tan and power of darkneffe unto God; which is our effeEtuall calling, whereby we are brought from the fpirituall bondage of finne and Satan into the glori- ous liberty of the fonnes of God, and are made fellow - citizens ofthe Saints, domeftici Dei, ofthe houfhold of God,Ephef.2.19. And this calling is wrought by this means . Firft, to us fleeping in our formes the word of God is fent to roufe us, the law (hewing us our finnes and the punifhments due for them , the Gofpel promifing falvation upon the condition of faith and repentance. Secondly, the fpirit of God concurring withthe word inlighteneth our minds to underftand the word of God, inclineth our minds to attend thereunto, mollifieth our hard and ftony hearts in the fight and fenfe of finnes; and then tra- velling under the burden of them with wearineffe, he ftirreth up in us a hunger and thirft after the righ- teoufneffe of Chrift and reconciliation with God, and teacheth us to pray with fighs which cannot be expreífed. T 3 Second.