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2'1 what its for Gods kingdome to come. Secondly, when the Spirit of God applieth the merits and efficacy of Chrifis death and refurre&i- on to the jufiification of the firmer, and by degrees worketh in him faith and affurance of the pardon of his finnes; whereupon followeth peace of confci,. ence, and joy in the holy Gholi: In which three d- e Apoiile faith that the kingdome of God doth confifl, Rom. 14.17. Thirdly,when Chrifi our King ruleth and reign- eth in'our hearts by his word and Spirit, teaching us to deny ungodline ffe and worldly luis, and to live fober- ¡y, juflly and holily in this prefeent world, expeéling the happy hope and glorious appearance of the great God our Saviour 9efus Chrifl, Tit. 2. 12, 13. that is, when by his Spirit he applieth the merits of his death to the mortifying of finne in us, and of his refurretion to raife us up to newneffe of life. And this we delire not onely for our felves , but an for the whole company of the elect, That the Lord would from all forts gather his Church, elect- ing them from the world, engraffing them into his Son, jufiifyin` them by faith , and fanctifying them by his Spirit; That he would confirm them by his grace, that they may increafe more and more, and be inriched with all fpirituall bleflings in heavenly things, and finally by the power of God through faith may beprefirvedunto everlafling life, r. Pet. r. 5. And becaufe the Church of God is, as we have faid, the kingdome of God, we delire not onely that God would gather his Church, but allo that he would inlarge it more and more, by the vifible adding unto it thofe that are to be Paved; that he would