Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

Chrifis kingdome cometh by mum': 279 would profper and preferve it, Pfal. z 22.6..protect and defend it from all enemies both corporall and fpirituall;that he would give all graces needful' and expedientiunto them. And thus we are to pray that the kingdome of Gods grace may come upon us and upon all his chofen fervants. The means are to be prayed for of the coming of Chrifls kingdome. II. Now becaufe this kingdome cometh by means , we are alfo to pray for them. The means are either outward or inward. The outward are i. outward the preaching of the word,and Chriffs government means. by his miniflers. The preaching of the word, which is the Gofpel of the kingdome of God, is filch a notable means of the coming of' the king- dome that it is called the kingdome ofGod.For where- as there be three degrees of this coming, our Voca- tion, juf}ification, and Sanaification; every one of them ordinarily is wrought by the preaching of the word. We are called outwardly by the Gofpel;We are juftifled by faith: faith cometh by hearing of the word, Rom. o. 17. We are Jnelifiedby the word of truth; by the preaching of the word we are begotten unto God. Therefore we are to pray that the word of God may have a free paffage and be glorified, Thef'f. /; i . and alto that the preaching of theword and Gofpel be not taken from us, or, as Matth. 2I.43. that the kingdome of God be not taken from us, but continued to us and our poflerity. And becaufe there cannot be preaching of the word except there be preachers, Rom. i o . 14. we are taught to pray, Matth. 9. 38. that God zvouldfendforth labourers into T4 his