Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
ci Reafons mdvirngus to the dude ofpráytr: ble ; the obedience whereof in a great part 'confif ; eth herein : For hereby God is woríhipped in the . fpirit or inwardly, precept. r. adored in the body or outwardly, precept. 2. fan&ified or glorified is the mouth, precept. 3. and a good part of the fan - &ifying of the fabbath precept. 4. flandeth in this. '06je11. Now if any man fhall objee , That he is a finfull man, and that by his finne he hath made him - felf unworthy to tread upon the earth or to look up unto heaven, and much more unworthy to prefent himfelf before the Lord with hope to be heard ; and confequently, that it were great prefumption '44v. for him to call upon the Lord : I anfwer, That it were indeed greater prefumption to come before 8-0. 4' God then it was to ruth into the prefence of the kings of Perfia, were it not that the Lord did in like manner hold out unto us the fceptre of his word, therein by his manifold commandments in- joyning us this duty, and by his gracious promifes encouraging us thereunto. This therefore may be a fourth argument or motive : For if God hath commanded us to call upon him, and hath promi- fed to heare us, in obedience to his commandment and in faith in his promifes we are to call upon him, being allured that he who hath commanded us to pray and hath promifed to heare will gracioufly ac- cept our prayers. Special corn- The fpeciall commandments are difperfed in mandments many places of the fcripture, and fo likewife the in;oyning prayer. promifes. I will cite a few places where they are conjoyned : Pfal. 50.14, r5. offer unto God thankf 33ivin;
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