Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

2 v The means are to be prayedfo.r his harvefl that he would furnifh them with Prim and Thummim, gifts fufficient, Ephef.6. r9. that he would clothe them with righteou fres,Pfal.13 z .9. that he would open unto thé a doore of the word, that they máy ,f eak themyflerie of Chrifi, Col,4, 3, And be- caufe there cannot be ordinarily learned guides and fcribes taught unto the kingdome of God, except they be firft trained up in good literature, we are to pray an for the Univerfities and fchools of the prophets, which are the feminaries and feed -plots of the Church. The fecond The fecond outward means is the government of outward Chrift by his fervants both in the Church and means. Commonwealth. In the Church, by the Minihers and governours exercifing in the name of Chrift admonition, fufpenfion, excommunication. For whom we are to pray,That they may execute their offices according to the will of God, as fhali -molt ferve for the advancement of the fpirituall king- dome of Chrift, and defacing of the kingdome of fin and Satan;That the people fubmit themfelves to the cenfures ofthe Church,and be reclaimed. there- by. In the Commonwealth, by Magiftrates, who are Gods miniffers alfo, &c. Rom. 13. whom God hath advanced that they might be nurfing fathers and nurfing- mothers to the Church, Ifai. 49, r 3. For whom alfo we are to pray, z. Tim.2.2. That after the example of David, Jofias, Ezechias, they may reform religion, defend the truth & profeffion of it, fupprefie idolatry and fuperftition, punifh finne, &c. That the fubjetas may live in all obedience unto them as unto the ordinance of the Lord. The