Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
282 The impediments of Gods kingdome Luke II. i 3.) and that by this Spirit he would rule and reigne in us,and quicken us,that being animated thereby we may behave our (elves as members of Chrifl, &c. ruled and guided by his fan 'tifying Spirit. The impediments of Cods kingdome to be prayed againfl. III. Laflly, becaufe the word ', let it come, feemeth to import and prefuppofè fome obflacles and impediments whereby this kingdome is hinder- ed, we do alfo pray that thefe may be removed. The impediments are thefe: Firft,the three main enemies of our falvation are alfo the chief oppu- gners of the kingdome of grace, the Devil,World, ;. The De- and Flefh. The devil feeketh by all means the ruine of the Church in generallRevel.r 2. and alfo of the particular members. Whileft this flrong man pofféf- feth his hold( that is,every naturali man) all things are at quiet : but when the Lord by his word and Spirit draweth any out of the kingdome and power of darkneffe, then he beflirreth him, and by all tentati- ons both by himfelf and his inílruments he feeketh to entangle him in finne. When the feed of the word is fown in the hearts of men, he carrieth it a- way, as the birds do the corn which fall on the wayes, Matth.13. 19. or he blindfoldeth them that they (hall not fee the light of the gofpel, Ephef.4.4. or if they underfland it, he carrieth them away ca- ptive to the obedience of his will. If they be called to repentance, he perfwadeth them to deferre it; They may repent hereafter íßs well, &c. If to amend- ment of life; he telleth them that if they be eleaed, they
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