Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

The conclufion expounded. for our help. Neither doth the right, power and glory of giving benefits temporali and concern- ing this life alone belong unto God, but alfa of everlafling bleífings in heavenly things after this life is ended. For his is the eternali kingdome, eter- nall power, and eternall glorie, fignified in thòfe words, for ever andever; which are to be referred to all the three attributes, What kingdome here fgnifieth. But firf} of his kingdome: Which here fignifieth i. generally the univerfall kingdome of God, which fome call the kingdome of his power, whereby he ruleth and governeth all things, Pfal. 103. 19. 2. Chron. 20.6. and in regard whereof the right of all things belongeth to him, Deut. io. 14. Pfal. 24. I. This then teacheth us two things: I . That our heavenly Father is the abfolute Lord and owner of all his creatures; who as he is the Creatour fo is he alfo the poffeffour of heaven and earth: in whole hand all good things are to bellow as it pleafeth him. This therefore mutt encourage us with aífu- rance of faith to make our requells to our heavenly Father, of whom we cannot ask any good thing, whether fpirituall or temporali, which is not his to beflow.And therefore it is well faid of Seneca, Au- daeler Deum roga, nihil eum de alieno rogaturus , Ask boldly of God, feeing thou cant} ask nothing of him which belongeth to another. 2. That our heavenly Father is the fovereigne King and abfo- lute Lord and Governour over all his creatures, ruling the good, and overruling the evil; to whole E e 3 C0111- 421