Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
42 2 What is meant by, thine is the kingdome. commandment all the good creatures obey, and at whofe beck they are ready to do us good: And as for the wicked either men or angels; they are fo overruled by the almighty providence of God, that when they feek to annoy us, they are againfl their purpofe made the inílruments of God to do us good. And whereas our Saviour teacheth us to fay, Thine is the kingdorne, we are to obferve that the kingdome of government which Kings and Princes have, it is the kingdome of God; whole minifters and leiutenants they are, Rom. 13. 4. by whoa they reigne, P rov. 8.15. and from whom all authoritie is, Rom. 13. 4.. Which as it muff teach them to fubordinate their government unto the Lord, and in him to rule their fubjeds, becaufe the kingdome which they exercife is not theirs but Gods, their judgement is not theirs but the Lords, 2. Chron. 19. 6.10 doth it teach all fubjeäs to befubjet to their governours fo farce forth as they are fubordinate to the Lord; becaufe in obeying them they obey the Lord, and in refiftingthem they refill God, Rom. 13. 2. But if Magifirates and Kings {hall leave their order, in commanding that which God forbiddeth, we are bound to be fubordinate to our fupreme King, whole the kingdome is, in whom onely we are to obey the inferiour governours, Ephef. 5.2 1. that fo far forth as in obeying them we obey allo the Lord,for better it is to obey God then men, As 4. 19.8z 5.29. And as to obey an inferiour Magiftrate which rebelleth again ft his Prince, is to rebell with him; fo to obey a Prince or Magiftrate rebelling againff What is meant by, thine is the 4ingelame.
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