Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

What is meant by,thine is the kingdome. 423 againfl: God, in that wherein he rebelleth,that is, in unlawfull things which he commandeth, it is alto to rebell againfl God. So that not onely good but allo evil Princes and Magiftrates are to be obeyed; but neither good nor bad, unto evil. More efpecially the kingdome of God is the The king_ kingdome ofgrace in this life, and the kingdome of dame and glorie in the life to come. In the former the Lord glory, communicateth grace to his fervants, ruling in them by his word and Spirit: In the latter he com- municateth glory to his Saints, vouchfafing unto them the fruition of himfelf, who fhall be to them all in all. Do we therefore define grace in this life or glory in the life to comet God is the King of grace and of glory: let us fue to his throne ofgrace; for he will give grace and glory, and no good thing mill he withhold from them that walk uprightly, Pfal. 84. II. Tiles. I. If God be our King, we are to be encouraged in all our neceffities to call upon him : For it is the property of good kings to heare the fuits of their fubjets, and to relieve and defend them. 2. Ifhebe the abfolute Lord ofall his creatures, and all things whatfoever be in his power and poff'efïion, then ought we not to be diftruftfully careful!, but to call our care upon God and to de- pend upon him. The earth is the Lords, and all' that Tfat,14.1. therein is. He is a Father that is rich towards all thofe which put their truft in him. 3. If God be our King, our duty is to obey him, and to behave our (elves towards him as dutifull E e 4 fub-