Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
424 What is meant by, thine is the power. fubjeas. Why call ye me Lord, faith our Savk sr, and do not the things which I commandyo-u -? What is meant by, thine is the power. The difie- Andthe power, depeet24. Power belongeth in fome rence be- n the degree to all creatures:but to God it is afcribed after twee powerof a peculiar manner:In them it is a faculty proceeding God and the from their nature: in God it is his efl'ence : Theirs is creatures, power created and received from God, As z 7. 28. his is uncreated, eternall, and from himfelf Theirs is mixt with impotencie and paflive power, which maketh them fubjed to change: but Gods power is moft perfea -and pure without fuch mix- ture : Theirs is finire, as themfelves are : but his is infinite, as himfelf is. And it is infinite z . in it felf: 2. in refped of the multitude of effeds which he is able to work and unto which his power is extended; in which fenfe it is faid to be infinite extenfively: 3. in refped of the efficacy of working ; in which regard it is infinite intenfively. It is infinite exten- fively: becaufe it is extended to all things,Matth. z9. 26. Luke i. 37. and for that caute is called omnipo- tencie. For the Lord never doth fo many or fo great things , but he is able to do infinitely more and greater. His power is extended to all things which either can be done , and that is called his abfolute power: or which he will do, and that is called his ailive or ordinary power : For whatfoever God will do that he can do; yea, by his aduall power doth it, Pfal, z z 5.3. but he can do many things by his abfo- lute power which he will never do, Matth.3.9. and 26.33. It is alfo infinite intenfively, in refped of the efficacie of the a tion : For the Lord doth not work
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