Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
What is meant by, the power and the glory. work any thing fo effeaually or intenfively, but he is able to effect it infinitely more effe tually or in- tenfively, Ephef.3.20. vfs. vies, refpecling means ; I. To humble our Elves under the mighty hand of God, I.Pet.5.6. not to be lifted up againf} him with pride , nor oppofed through obftinacy, I .Pet. 5.5 . Job 94. Rom.9.17. Dan.4.37. I I. To fear God above all things , and to be afraid to offend him,Matth.1o.28. 22. Are ive fironger then the Lord? III. To repofe truft in him, Deut.3 3.26. For if God be on our fide, who can beagainfl us? Pfal. 27. 1, 2, 3. Num. 14.9. Deut.7.2 . Jer.42. r r . There is no good thing but he is able to efpeL`I it; no evil, but he is able to deli- ver us from it. No creature can help us unleffe God ufe it as his inftrument for our good: no crea- ture can hurt us unleffe God ufe it as the rod of his anger. The devil is flrong ; but he is not able to pull us out of Gods hands, nor yet to hinder or flop the courte of Gods bleffings towards us. Tie's rep eciing faith; I. To confirm it in believing any article of our faith as , of the refurret ion , Matth.22.29. I I. To confirm our faith in the pro- miles of God,Luke 1.37. Rom .4.19,20,2 1. II Lin prayer. For which purpofe it is here alledged,Matr. 8.2. 2. Chron. 20. 6. 8z 14. 11312. Ephef. 3. 20. IV. In the affurance of perfeverance unto falvation, I.Pet.r.5. Rom.14.4. John 10.29. 2.Tim.I.12. What is meant by, thine is the glory. And the glory ] Whereby is meant honour and praife,i. Tim.1.17.For to him belongeth the glory, honour,, 42Y
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