Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
426 What is meant by, thine is the glory. honour and prayfe of bellowing all good things: He is the fountain and authour of everygoodgift,jam. 1.17. His is the glory of hearing and granting our prayers, Pfal. 65. 2. And to his glory whatfoever we ask according to his will doth efpecially tend. Therefore as by his kingdome and power he is able, fo for his glory he is ready and willing to grant our requef}s which we make according to this direction of our Saviour. For what Chrifl hath taught us to ask in his name,that the Lord bath promifed to give for his fake, in whom all thepromifes of Godare Tea and .Amen, to his glory, 2. Cor.1. 2 o. This therefore ferveth to confirm our faith. For doubtleffe fuch things as tend to his glory he will grant: efpecially confidering it is his glory to heare the prayers of his fervants, and feeing to him be- longeth the glory of giving every good gift : but thefe things which we ask according to our Saviours direction do tend to the glory of God, and to that end we ask them: therefore we may be aifured that he will grant our requefls fo far forth as they Rand with his glory. Now whereas our Saviour directed us to make this our firfi fuit, That Gods name may be glorified, and now teacheth us to make his glory the reafon of our prayers; this fheweth, That the glory of God Mould be the main end of all our defires, for which we fhould affect them, and unto which when we have obteined them we Mould referre them r. Chron. i 6.3 5. Pfal. 50. r 5. And forafmuch as the glory is the Lords, which he will not have commu- nicated to any other, Ifai.42.8. therefore we are to call
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