Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
What is meant 6y, thine is the glory. call upon him alone, as being the onely fountain of every good gift, the onely hearer ofour prayers. Of which glory we rob the Lord,if we diret our pray - ers to any other. And as we are not to give his glo- ry to any other, fo we are not to take it to our (elves: For feeing the glory is the Lords,therefore vainglo- rious perfons feek to rob God of that glory which is proper to him, and to affume it to themfelves. But we muff= fay with David, Pfal. i a s .1. Not unto us,O Lord, &c. and with Daniel,chap.9.7. Righteou fnefjè, O Lord, belongeth unto thee, and to us fhaane, &c. But we afcribe unto the Lord not onely king. Everlaftin kinadome dome,power and glory,but alto an everlafling, king- po,ver and dome, an eternall power, and immortali glory. For alory be- as to Mofes faith, Pfal.9o. 2. He is God frorn e verlafling y God. to everlaing; he is King for ever. Therefore he bath right not onely in this life to crown us with his blef- fangs, but after this life he bath an everlafling king- dome to beflovv upon us, Luke z 2. 32. unto which he is able and willing to bring us by his power ever - lafling, to the immortali glory of his mercy. Now thefe reafons as they mull be propounded There words orm in faith, fo alfo with chearfulneffe, as a confequent a orf e pa rafi %ng. thereof. And when they are cheerfully uttered,they God. are not onely reafons of our requefls, but all() a no- table form of prayfing God : which our Saviour bath taught us to joyn with our prayer. And fo the holy Ghoft bath directed us elfewhere; as Co1.4.2. Phil.4.6. And that this is a form of prayfe and thankfgi- ving, appeareth by other places of Scripture,where the men of God fetting themfelves of purpofe to pray fe 427
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