Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
428 Duties in prayer, andin our lives. prayfe God have ufed the very like form : As Ida- vid, t .Chron.29.Io,I I,I2. and Pfäl. I45.Io. and I 1.1 2, 13. Revel.7. -I 2. Jude v.2 S.Revel.4. I I. I fes. Duties concerning prayer. I .That we pray to God, and him alone. Whereof a reafon is conteined in thefe words, For his is the kingdome, &c. 2. That we pray in faith; feeing our heavenly Father, whofe is the kingdome, power, and glory , is both able and willing to grant our reduefts. 3. That with our prayer we joyn prayfe and thankfgiving; which in this fhort form is not omitted. Duties in our lives. z. To arrogate nothing to our felves, but to afcribe all kingdome, power and glory to the Lord, Pfal. 29. I, 2. and xis. I. and of all good things received to afcribe the prayfe to God. 2. If God be our King, then mutt we behave our felves as du- tiful! and obedient fubjeds: If his be the power, then are we both to fear him and to truft in him: If his be the glorie, then of him muft we beg all good things, and to his glory muft all be referred: If his power, kingdome and glorie be everlafting, then are we taught whom to fear,whom to ferve, whom to truft in; namely, him that is able not onely in this life to bleffe us, but alto after to crown us with im- mortall glorie in his eternal! kingdome. Ifwe ferve the flefh,the devil,the world, we fhall have the mo- rrmentanie fruition of fin, and after this life is ended eternal! torments. God liveth for ever, as to crown eternally the godly,fo to punifh the wicked eternal- ly. He then will exclude them out of his kingdom e, and
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