Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

What the word Amen fignifieth. 429 and will be of power to delbroy both body and foul in hell; and he will glorifie his justice in their end - leffe confufion. Hypocri f e difcovered. But here the hypocrifìe of men is to be difcover- ed, who afcribe kingdome to God, and yet obey him not; power, and fear him not; glory, and glorifie him not: and they adde all thefe reafons to their pe, titions, as if they fhould fay, Thou, Lord, wiltgrant our repjuefts; for thine is the kingdome, power anaglory for ever, and yet do not believe that the Lord will grant their requefis. amen. And fo much of the confirmation of our faith. What4mert Now followeth the teflification both of our faith 'mprteth and finifx- and of the truth of our define in the word Amen. et h. For it irnporteth the affent of the heart to the words ofour mouth: and it fignifieth truly ; or, even fò; or, as the Grecians fometimes tranfIate ir, 3,kvot1o, So be it. The meaning of it is thus much, as if we fllould fay, As I have made thefe requel's unto thee, o Lord, fo do I both unfeignedly defire theperformance of them(Let then, o Lord, 6egranted, i . Kings 1. 6.) and alfa tru- ly believe that thou in thy goodtime wilt grant my de- fires fo farre forth as they fland with thy glory and my good; and in this pert 'vafion I re(t,attending thy good pleafttre. And as I have afiribed unto thee kingdome, power and glorie, fo I do both unfeignedly acknowledge that thine alone is the leingdome, &c.and alf heartily de- fire that I and all others may truly and e ffeéually afcribe unto thee everlafting kingdom, power andglorie. For being