Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1
430 What the word Amen fignifieth. being annexed unto prayer, it fignifieth both the truth and earneftneffe of our delire, and alfo the af- fent of faith laying hold on the promifes of God made in Chrift to our prayers. And being added to thankfgiving, it fignifieth both the truth of our affertion in afcribing praife to God, and alfo a true defire and zeal of Gods glory. Duties to be Hence therefore we may learn again thofe duties perfumed. which heretofore have been taught: r.That we call upon the Lord with unfeigned lips and upright hearts, truly defiring thofe things with our hearts which we ask with our mouthes, and being tru- ly thankfull for thofe things for which we give thanks. 2. We muff (rive againft our infidelitie and doubting, Pfal. 42. t 2. and muff truly believe that the Lord will grant our requefts fo farre forth as they hand with his glorie and our good; other - wife we cannot fay, Amen. 3. We are to refi in the good pleafure of God with affurance expeCting his grace and help, Pfal. r23. 2. and 3.4, 5. and 4.9. And thus our Saviour hath taught us with this word to feal up our prayer : Which therefore is Mean. not unworthily of fome called Signaculum orationis Deminicx, the Peal of the Lords prayer. For he that truly believeth that the Lord doth heare him, and goeth away refting in his goodneffe, putting his Amen to Chrifts Amen, John 16. 23. he bath fit to his feal that God is true in his promifes , and that to the Lord belongeth kingdome, power, and glory for ever. flypocriíie But here fee the hypocrifie of men , who fay difcovered. Amen, but pray not from their hearts, nor truly de- fire
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