Aduertifement to the READER. ftWAfte His Booke, tending toexplane another, intituled ,' The facred Dotrine of Diuinitie , wherein the whole body of ReligionùPt forthaccording to rules ofArte : it was thought neceffarie to place the rte in theMargenton the one hand, and fumeprincipali Herefies andErrors , contrarie to the Doctrines here handled, as they arife , on the other. e..ilrofor thy better helpe, we haue herewithali prin- tedthe Arte by itrelfe , before the beginning f the Booke ; If it differ in any thing fown this at the efrlargent, follow that which is by itfelfe at the beginning. Difference in fub(lance there ás not any , kit the Copie : fer that at the c (argent was not altogetherfo perfect,