Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

64 The frrfi Booke of .Diaii itie, CHAP.3. not the knowledge or foreknowledge ofGod, but his abfhluté will and pleafure , for caufes refling onely in himfelfe, although vnknowne to vs,yet moi} iuti and ho- ly , Ephef. i.a i. Hee wor%eth all things after theceunlell of his will. Thirdly, The generalitie, in that bee bath decreed all things , and all the meanes and circumí}ances of euery thing, Aás 15,18. All the workes ofgodare knowne tohim (that is, purpofed and decreed of hire) from Eternitie. So that whatfoeuer experience fhevvcth,or the word ofGod confirmeth tocome to pafhe in Heauen, or inEarth, or in the loweft Hell, both the confounding of the wicked, the Saluationofthe Ele&,and the things that pertavne to the bufïueffe and affaires of' this life, the fame areail eter- nallydecreed of God; and thatfor his owne good plea- x r.T. lure onely : the Apoflle beat ing witnelte, That hewor. ketkall things after the cotenfell of his will. Theworkes of Godarethe executionof his purpo(c And are Crea- tion and Pro- uidence. Creaticnis hismaking all things. CHAP. III. Of Creation. N the Creatirn;thikh is the fe con d thing whereinhis Kingdòme flandeth I ob- ferire.fiue things, which the Storyof the Creation; penned byMofes in the fîrí$ and fecond Chapters of Genets doth of- fer vetovs. Firíi the things which Geld made. All things vwiihout exception : and in fayi'ng all things, iris tnanifefl that we leave tothingvncreated,exccpting onely hire that did create them;ro,nótthe Angelsthem- felues,the moll glorious and fuper-excellent Creaturesof God,of ,A hó albeit Mnfes rnaketh nomention in expreffe tames, (noutore tl = =acia of their ffali) fpecifying onely the vifible