Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CYIAr.3. concerning Cregtion. 65 vifible wears ofGod , in refpc&of the people towhom he wrote, yet the Holy Ghof+ elfe-where coricealeth not their Creation, for when the Pfalmifl had exhorted the Angels and HAofHeauen; the Surine, the Moone, the Starres, the Heauen of Heauens ropraife the Lord , bee addeth a reafon common to them all , Let a then; prarfè a Pr4r4s..t, theName ofJ E 13 0 V A H:forhe commanded,asrd they were 3'4.S' created. But moff manifefl is that of PAVL, col. 1.16. By himwere all things created , which are in Heauen and upon the Earth,things vifible c inuifble,r Nether Thrones, or Dominions , or Principalities , or Powers. By which words it is moll cercaine,he vnderflands theAngels. This(ail things) you maynot vnfitly diuide into b rea- b rCer.4.9. fonable Creatures, Angels, and Men, and the World of them both; whereto aptly ferueth the place of theeoLi. before : and Mofes in the very firfl words of his Story hath fo diuided it, In cthe beginning God made EJe ueta C Gen.t,z*: andEarth :that is,both the vrtnefl compafeof this vni- nerfall World, together with the Spirits and Angels that inhabite it, and that Chaos , or firfl lumpe and mat- ter, whereout the Earth and Heauen , ( as wee call Hea- uen) and all heauenly and earthly bodies were made. Mofes therefore, as Paul in that place , makech a moil perfe6diuifionofall the whole frame ofGods Creation, fundring it into two, Heauen , and Earth, TheAyre it (elk, the Sunne, the Moone , the Planets, and whatfoe- uer in that whole Chapter is fpoken of , feemeth tobee comprehended vnder the name ofEarth. For fo he Both proceed, refuming the latter member , And tottchin the Earth,it way vnfhapen, &c. By Heauen is meant the place of bleffed 6'pirits, and the Angels inhabiters and dwcl- lers in it. All which appeareth farther in the next Char- ter, Thus awere the Heauen and the Earth ptrfìted , and d Gm t.r, allthe Boil ofthus: that is , whatfoeuer is within the compaflk niche highefl Heauens,vnto the very bottome and Center of the tovvefl Earth, things vifible and inni. F fible,