Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

74 The frfl BaekeofDiuinitie, CHAe.3. cipally out of the fame Element which theygarnifh or inha?-;ire. As Graffe andTrees out of the Earth ; The Sunne, the Nicene, the Starres , wholly or lj ecially out z For it"; Of the r Fire,(as maynot vnprobablybe gathered) Fifties plaine by Mdd- ok t of the Waters , Birds out of the Ayre , Beals out of ¡es that the the Earth. But rncn and women , as a piece of finguiar Hcaucns thé- felues, and worke, he framed in a more artificial) fort. chof celeflíall The bodyof man by c forming and figuring it ,as a bodies, were Potter dotb his Veí%ls out of the Clayof the Earth. And madenot of therefore heauy and lumpifh, dead ofit felfe, and with anyEft out any fence or feelin Whereinto he breathed a foule, ence,as Ari- ffitle and f)pn: not a,s a part of theDiuine Nature, or of Godsowne cf. 'other dreamt, fence,(which to thiinke,wcre impious andabfurd)but be but ofelernen- caufe it was made neyrher of the Ayxe, nor of anyother tart' matter, namely,oft elementary matter, but onely by his Word, and the he y fire. Whereup- power of his Spirit ; and this hee knit vnto oneperfon on the very with tho, body, to quicken and glue life vnto it , and to fubfiance,and make it a erfe&man. the whole The woman hce framed and formedout eftheRib of frame and compaffe of man.And all this Afofes plainly expret eth,Gen.1.4,s,6,7 them al, which *The fourth thing I obferuc in the Crcation,is the time, wee call the which it pleated G op to take for the fiinfhìng of this Skie,is termed r8ri æaher worke, in that he created not all at once & in a moment, from ¿ :Oc ,, as he could haue done,hut Cooke the fpaceof fixe edayes which is to for it, within which compaffe Heauen ( the place of the burne,for that blcfíed Angels) together with the Angels themfelues all things there made,as v21ofes plainly teacheth,gen.2.1,2. arc fiery, asA- na.zagor, an old Therefore the firEi day God made, Firfi , Heauen and Philofopher Hell.For Hell, it is probable tobe fuppofed, he did then did well de- make,when Heanen,the other part of thevnfeenWorld, clue it i Albeit was made : And that Heauen was the firfi worke ofall, Ari,Rotle in his firft Booke de is eaf7e to bee gathered by thevery order whichciIfs Ctelo,rciea this pi u vfeth. Etymolog ie and preferres another rther, front ¿isi O civ, becaufeit is inperpetual) motion. But cha: fecmeth neither {o naturali for the Word , nor fo apt for the matter. C `N`h Gen. s.7. whereunto pain alludeth, s.Tim. z. i o. Aht,u 71páTOs tixAano *Finitbod in fixe daycs. tGe,.z.3i& 2.,r,a,3. u E ej.t.i,e z.t. Set