e Mat.::.30. 4*Tfay 6.2. fpoke to196 Thefiri BookeofDittinitie, CHAP.3. Saviour e alto teacheth , that the perfe&ionof teen after theRefurre.&ion, flandeth in this, that theyfhallbear the eIngels of God in Heaven. Their Very fall implyeth as much : for in that they flood not in theTruth , as our Sa- uiour fpeaketh,lohn 8.44. and as lade hath it , Verfe 6. ofhis Epit#le , left theirfarit eftate ; it followeth, that in the beginning they were created perfea. In this refpe61 they are called the fonnes of Go se lob r. 6. When the fonnes of God came to prefent them- felnes before I E H o VAH, Satan alfo came in the midi of them. What an excellent meafure they had of all kinde of Grace,Wifedome, andheauenly Knowledge, the fpcech of Chrifl Both Phew , celebrating their Diuine Know.. ledge ofthe Myfleries of G o D .Ñdarke 13.3 2.7ouching that Daynone llnoweth, no, not theAngels ofGod in Hea- rten. And the Apoflle,Gal.r.8. lfwe ,or anAngellotrt, Heaven, preach vntoyou any other Gofpell thenwee harde preachedvntoyou,let him be accurfed.Thercfore alto they performe all offices of Pietie , and the feruiceof G o s more cheerefully , readily and glorioufly, then any man did or could doe , and are called * Seraphim : as ifyou wouldfay , burningwith zeale and the lcueof God, or fhining in all puritie and hoiinefie. And as the meafureof their Wifedome and Holinelfe did cxcell , fo did the meafure of their happineffe in like fort : whereunto the placewhere they were fet to inha- bite, did much auayle, theybeing celefiall Spirits , and having their abode in Heauen ; we terrefiriall, dwelling vpon theEarth, and in H oufes ofClay. The like, though not in the like proportion , therewas betweene the An. gels themfelues,fome being more glorious then the refs: It feemeth no common dignitie which is giuen to one ofthem to be GAB tt i e r. t`atis, the mighty Power of God,to (tandbefore God, pretence. And PAYL, Colofr r. x6. rcckQnCth vp Thrones, Dominions,Principalities,and Powers,,