Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

?'he Booke of'Ditcinitie, CH A P.3. f Efy law, they are brought' in with two of their winUs cowering their feete : Thereby to meet with the infirmity of nnenr, who are not able to abide thebri htncgeof their,6. glvrie. DANIEL t excellently delèribeth 'this , in that great Vifton which he law by the waters of Chiddekel, Lifting VP mine eyes , I law , and behold a man clothed with Linnen , whofe loynes weregirt with excelle'nt CÇold of T ;ihaz, , his 'odiewas like vnto Sea- coloured blue ( as if he would lay, of an heavenly colour) hisface to look,e to, like the Lightening , and his eyes like to Lampes of fire, and his armer and feete li/`e unto the colour ofpolifhed Braffe, glittering and twinkling like fparkles of fire; the noyfe alfo of his words were like vnto the no)fe of a whole mu/undo: At whole appearance, the men that were with Daniel trembled exceedingly, and flying, hid themfelues; he alto himlelfe had no frengch left within him but euets his beautie and comelineffe were turned into corruption. And hither belongeth their wonder full and admirable wifedome , growne into a Prouerbe: u ,..Sant. 18.14, ells u thewi f dome ofan eAngell. The holineffe wherein men were created, is recorded, Genef.r.26,27.Let vs male man according toour owi*e 1_ mage, after our owne likeneffe. And wherein this Image and hkenefTe ofGod doth land the Apnflle doth in.. forme vs, Ephef.4.24. PPit on the newman, which , accor- ding to God , is created in righteoufneffeand true holineff'e. 014-.3.1o. Putting on the new man , which is renewed in knowledge, according to the Image ofhim that loathcreated him. And in this refpeaeh'dam allo inhis innocencie is called, TheSonne ofGod, Luke 3.38. Touching the happineffe of Adam and Eue in their integritie Firt}, They were beloued of God, his fonnes and children. Secondly,They enioyed his prefence,but upon Earth; which was their habitation; & therefore hire glorioufly them