Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Gx A F. 4. ofPr©urdence. little Spprrowes foldfor a farthing I yet oneof them itnot forgotten before God. Secondly , To all a6-}ions, whereof hee is the fupreme and hrf+ moouingcaufe, f He workethallthings after the f counfellof his will : g For ofhim, and tohim, and for him are g Kom.11.36. all things : h In himwe lime andrrtooue. h 414 17.2.8. Thirdly, To the particular difpofirion ofeaery accident and fmall circumí+auce , time place, &c. So the wife- man i affirmethof the whole manner of the Lottery, that it i Pra.t 6.36 is from lehouah. And this was the fenfe of that oldPr©- u°rbe k In the chi-ou.nt of I E H O V A H it fhallbeproui- k 4: ded : meaning , GOD its time and place will prouide, <s once in the Mount he did, whereunto tend thefe and the like fneeches , The t eyes of all things Tooke vp ynto thee, 1 P/°al.r45.15. thou giteefl them meate indue feafon. 1 m will fend raine m 4.2.6. in his time. n Euery mans dayes are precifely determined, xi lob t4,q, and the number of his Moneths. With thee thou ballfit hit appointed tivrae, whichhee Panot paffe. My o times are in ° Pfal.31. i6. thine hands. 1 P I E H O V A H will haflien it in his time. P Elal 6o.zz. Moen q it pleated God, who hadfeparatedme frommy Me.. q Gal.1.1ç. thers wembe to retteale bis Sonne viceme. When r the ful r Gal.4.4. neffeoftime came,6odfensforth his Sonne, f that in the dif- f Epbef,t.m. penfationof the fulneffe of times bee might gather together in one all things both which are in Heauen and which are inEarth, euen inGlarifr. .None c layd his bandsupon him : t Iebn8,ze. for his heure was notyet come. It u is not for you to know u Atis 1.7. the times and feafons which Godbath put inhis owne power. Here is the Faith and Patience of the Saints. Wicked men (becaufe x God holds hispeace,deferringhis vengeance, x thinke him to be li1,ç vate ther.mfelues and becomfe y there commethno recorrlpence of their euiilquicljly therefore the heart ofmen is full within them, and they irrbolden them- felues to commit wickednelfe. But faith Salomon, Iudge- iv;g aright, as the Spirit of God dircéled him Though to ainner that doth euill. a hasndreth fold God fhosald euenpro- long his dayes, yet I know it /hall bee wellto them thatfeare G 2 God: y 8cc1e1,8.1L