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9© The firfi Boone ofDiuinitie, CHAP.,. I E H O V A H hath filet a lying #iirit into the mouth of all thy Prophets. And the i. Sam. 16.15 )16. Ancud fjJirit from I E H O V AH vexedS A v L. And that nothing herein falleth from theholyneffe and Iuflice ofthe Lord; as all men not forfaken of common fence, doe eafi ly Xotn. 3.6. difcerne (for elle, as the e Apoftle reafoneth, how fhould God fudge the World? ) So the Holy Ghoft inmany pla- f H .13.9. ces teacheth very plainely; for whenthe f Prophet cryeth our, Thy difira,tlion 1s from thy felfe, O 1fracl: doth it not followof neceflitic that the caufe alío of deílrucf}ion, which is finne, is wholly from our fcl_ues, and that God g lama t.rg. hath nopart in it? Which g Fames more plainely vttereth, Let nomean, when he istempted , fay, Iam temptedof God : for Godcannot be temptedof mill, neither tempteth bee any h r.lah z.t S. man. And i.Iohn 2. h tyhatfoeucr is in the World, ae the lull of theflefb, andthe lui oftheeyes, and the pride oflife, is nos from the Father, but tifrom the World. For this caufe finne sr.iohn 3.8.he is called , The i worke of the Dena. And our Saui- that committeth our Chriui faith , When k heffeetketh a lye, bee Jpcalteth of fnne,is of the his owne. The finne thereforeof the Aaion is whoil to Deuáll for the bee afcribed to the de raued nature and corruptionof Deuill om (innetb ' p P fr the begin- men, wherein God is no way to be blamed, i Whomade ping. For this all righteous , but they haws fought many inuentions to them caurewas the Telmer. To illufirate this by one or twoSimilitudes; He SonneofGod ntanif 1cd, that p that f urreth a lame Hotfe, is thecaufe ofhis flirrino but be might dejiroy not of his halting. The Sunne that fhineth vpon a ñlthie the workeofthe carcaffe,maketh the fauor,yet it is no caufeofanystench: hno. for out of fweete Flowres it bringeth a pleafant odour. k Such is the workeof God in the anions ofwicked men. 1 Uccle;,.z3. And the better to apprehend howGod in all this re- mayneth without any touchof finne, wee mutt confider that finne hath alwayes threethingsgoing with it,where- ofit is itrtpoflible that any one fhould fall vponGod. at Som.T.t3. Pita, To beCubie&toa Law : For m where no Law is,' i. lobes 3.4. there is no tranfgrefon. And the ° Apoftle defineth finne to bee a 6raash of the Law. NowGod , whomade his Lawes