handled in this booke. TheSonne is a Perlon , from all eternitiebegottenof the Father. The HoyGhoft is a Perfon,eternally proceeding from the Father and the Sonne. CHAP. II. o f theEternalDecrees ofGod. 1GD being thus in his Nature and Perlon mofl glo [rious , bath further embroidered himfelfe in glo- rie,by two notes ofexcellencie, which he taketh tohim,. Kingdome and Honour. Kingdomne, is that whereby bee dothexercifean abfo- lute Soueraigntie toward others. The order whereof, anfwerable to the relation berweene the Perlons them:. felues,is from the Father in theSenneby the Holy Gholl to whom is attributed the immediate doing of them. The Kingdomeof Godbath twoparts, Purpofe and. Works : Purple is his Decree before all times , ofeucry thing. CHAP. III. OfCreation. Tile Workes of God, are theexecution of his Pur. pofe ;; and are. Creation and Prouidence. Creation ,is his making all things of nothing, finifhed in fixe dayes; and was of eueryCreature in excellencie of perfe6ion. Of the reafonable Creatures , Angels , and Men , it was after his owr,e Image and Likeneife , itt Holineffe andHappiucfre. Hollisè,,,