TheChiefe Pointa Holineffe,in a mind inligh toed with theknowledge ofthe whole Will ofGod , and all the ftrengths of Na- ture conformed thereunto. Happineffe , in the fruition ofGods loue, and ( from thence comming) a Coniun6 ion and Communion with him. ConitmEien, is an inioyingof his Perfonall prefence. Communion , is a participation in force fort, of his Bleffednelle, bothKingdome, Power, and Glorie. CHAP. I11 1. ofProuidence. Resaiárnce , is his gouerning of the things crea- 1" ted. CH A P. V. ofthe 1Worall Lary. CO much of the Kingdome ofGod ; the honour due untohim, is, That the reafonable Creatures (Angels and Men)doehis Will,with that whole firength of their naturali integritie ; Euery thing with fo much the grea- ter ftrength, as the dutiedoth more excell, the doing whereof is termed Righteoufneffe. CHAP. VI. Thefi:'fl Table, and thefrrftCommandm:eot.' R!ghteoufirefebath two parts, Pietie,and Iufice. Pi`tie, isof the immediate duties toGod,where; of