Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

handledin thisbooke. of this is the whole,, that wee haue God to be ourGod. The parts are two : One to cleauc vnto him Loaing, Reuerencing, Fearing, Belceuing, Trufling , andHoping inhim ; fromwhence arife Patience and Humilitie. The other to worshiphim : which worfhip compre- hendeth all kind of Seruicepublike andprivate. One principallpart whereof is Prayer; both petition for the obtayningofgood things , or turning awayofcuill, and thankfgiuing for all wee doe inioy. Apiece alto ofthis Seruice (when iu1 caufe requiieth) is fwearing and curet fingby hisName, making our Vowes vnto him, and by lotterie to commit into his hands the fucceffe of our doubtful' affaires. CHAP. VII+ ofthefecond Commandernent. O the worfhipofGod, two things doe belong; a: holymanner ofworfhippingGod,and a holy reit. The manner.flandeth in Obedience and Re\uercnce. Obedience: is the worfhipping ofhim according to his Commandement. CHAP. VIII. of the thirdCommandement. REuerce is a religious affe6tion in the feruice of God,wlrcreunto are requifite Preparation and Hu.. mitiation : and, when need is, both Failing, to quicken vs to petition inthe acknowledgement ofour vnworthi- nefie and wants,and Feafting, to expreffe our thankful - ne%for his benefits. . CaAr..