Cx A P. 5. The ftrrit Commandement. IY Nejf m rigbteoufne e, And hat& iniquitie. Lout is t?.c ha.- bit, assit were,and perfe&&ion ofthewhole 'Law,both of the Grft and fecond Table :Thou n halt loue the Lordshy Codwithall thy heart, andwith all thy !orale, andwith ad thy .mind. This is the firfi and great Commandement : and the fecond is like it.Thosi 'halt loue thy Neighbour as thy felfe.On tbefe two Conornandements hang the whole Law andthe Pro- phets. And of the fecond Table, Paul faith, o Serue one another through loue: for all the Lair ( 'meaning the whole fecondTable) is fulfilled inone word in this, ThouJhailt lone ,thy Neighbour thyfelfe.Agai ne, pHe that loueth another, folfillcth'the Law : for this ,Thou )(ha"lt not commit adultery: Thou hhalt not kill :Thou !halt not Reale : Thou /halt not Bearefalfiwitneffe':Thoujalt not ceuet :and if there be any other Commandement it isfinmmedvp inthis word, arien in this, Thou ¡halt lone thyNeighbour as thy !elfe. Generally, i.?ána. t. 5. bec faith the ( end or) perfel-lion ofthewhole Law, is love, d.c. And Colof 3, 14. bee talleth lone , The bondofperfection; becaufe it knitteth & bindtth together all the offices weowe to God,or one veto another. So as what dulie foeuer we performe, bee it miter fo glittering and fhining in the world , if it be not done in loue, it is nothing at all worth : As wee are taught, 1.Cor,i 3. yea, our loue in this behalfe ought to xtend it felf,not to our friends onely, and them that loue vs againe, but If all men, toour q enemies,and them that hate vs. The con- trarie hereof, is hatred of God, our Brethren, and of good things ; of God, becaufe we fee him itif}, topunifh mens offences. A fault fo tnonfirous, that one would thinke impoffible it fhould fat vpon anyCreature,to hate .and abhorre the Creator; but that the Apofilehath no- ted our nature tobe tainted with it : Haters 'È ofGod,and the f Enemies, or Raters o f T E H OVA H, are ofientiines spoken of in thePfalmes, and t elfe-where : Of the ha- tredof our Brethren the Apoille frith , 11e xi that hat eth bis Broiher,ù ire darkene f e.A d againe, e x that hateth his Bro.- PfàL4f.8. n dfat.2.z.37, 38,3 9,40. o Ga14.13,4o p Rom. 13, 8,9, q 1Qat.5,44. r Rom.r.3o. CPfal.37, 2a,9.&c.& St. 16.8E139. za. t sSam. i2.a4.. 2.chron.a9.2.. u x a. lob 3.1.53