P' 122 Thefill Booke ofDiatitaitie, CHAP.S y Prou.sg.lo. l 7.Cj1Y0.19.iy. a Preu.16.13. b Roma.; z. c Pfa1.5o.18. d PjG97.Im. e Pal.=6.5. f Pfa1.314. g Pf.13q.zI,tZ. hPf I 19 I04. Pf.I19.161. i Prou..t3. k Pfal.t4%4. I Pfal.Sa.,6. In Pfal.4,3. et PrO:t.i,Z3, Brother, is c Manjlayer. Bloody f even (faith S AL CO-. Ni ON ) hatehim tkat:6 vprigbt. And z. Kings 21.9 .it is the voyce of wicked iv b, that het hated the Prophet of the Lord , becaufe hee never fpake good vntohim. With loue is coupled a liking and allowance of that which is good , after, the example of God himfelfe, of whom it is Paid, that he Z del:ghteth in the things that are right.Of this the Wifeman fpeaketh in theProverbs,* Let the lips of the righteous h acceptable vnto King:. The con_ trarie whereof,isan approbationofeuill inether,:hough it were fo,that we our felues did abflaine from ir. This fault the Apatite noteth to the b 7omanes Who not oney doefo , but are factors , andappraisers of thsfe that doe it. And Dquid in the Pfalmes, t When thisfeelt aThiefe, :hum takeff pleafcre in him. The next,ishatred and deteflatiònofeuill , both euill perfons, and things, whereof the Píalmift faith, O d yea the losersof I En o v A H Ave the thi7g that is cool. And of hi mfclfe hee profeffeth, 1 e h::ts the congregation of quill doers. 1 1 hate them that obferusvaine vanities. O g I E - H o V A H , doe 1 nót hats them that hate thee ? 1 hate thew witha perfetf hatred : they are in leadofenemies untome : I h hate emery enrllway :1 * bate yes,tind abhorre thenv.SA- I otit o N alto inhis Preuerbs í ioyneth together:he fears of I n H oV AH, and the hatredofeuill,as fpeciall partsof theheauenly wifedotne whereof he there treateth. The contrarie whereof,is the loue of euill things , when our khewn (which the Pfaltziipraieth to be deliuered from) ii inclined to them. This DAv I D vpbraydcth vnto D o E G, Thou lecerl euill, rather thengood; lying rather then to ilieake rigbteoufneff : thou lame It wonderfully : thou louefl all pernicious words, O deceitful! tongue. In the In fourth Pfalme, he eryethout, Tee, fonnes of men, how long willyes loue vanitie, feeke yes, &e ? And Salomon in his n `Prouerbes, How long, O yee Fooles,will je louefool:fb- neb, andScorners, long afterfcorning ! A fe-