CH AT. f. The ftrfiz Commandement. 125 the fight,and hearing : Incline h thine dares vntemywords. Bleffed i areyour eyes; for theyfee : andyour ear(' ; for they heard. The contrarie vvhereof,is the abutngof them, as our firfi k Parents did. Next, is theTongue ; for byit, as the Apoile_, faith, bile weCod. Ofthis it is faid ; Eatery tongue Jball ghee thankes veto God, that eatery o tongue may confefe that fern Chrijl is Lord,vnto theglory of God the Father. The contrarie whereof is, when the mouth fpeakethvaine things, as it is Pfd. 144.8. To the tonguebelongeth openprofefl'ionofGod, and of all good duties : Be readie A alwayes to make profef- on to eatery one that asketh ofyou, an account of the faith which it inyou : r for with the mouth wrenmake confefflon to faluation. 2e q Jballmake no mentionof the names of other gods,neitberfhall they be beard out ofthy moatth.Tbeir. rfo _ roves be multiplied, that endow another god. I willnot powre their burnt Offerings of bloud, nor take their names in my lip. And hither are to be referred all outwardmarkes of this profeffion ; as inGods ferui ce , The calling vpon ofhis Name;Bowing and ltneeling, Lifting vp of hands, eyes, &c. as the people did, Neleene. 8. i6. anfwering all, Amen, Amen, with the lifting tip of their hands, andfitooped and bowed downe to I E x o v A H , with their face to the ground-ward. In doing reuerence to Superiours, f vucoue- ring our head,and rilingvpbefore them,&c. The contra- rie whereof is, Open profeffionof wiekedneffe, when a man need not to digge, to find out their fumes , as the Prophet fpeaketh, !er.2.31.. they are foplaine and mani- fcfl vnto all : or as it is in t E z E c x i tì L, When they fet theirfinitevpon thecliffe of the 'l ocke (in the open face and view ofthe world)anddonot powre thefamevpon the earth to cosier it withduff, loth it fhould be feene. Such is that, .Ffa. 3. io.Theobflinacie oftheir face teflifäethagainfi them, and they doe not conceale , but utter their finite, (openly, flsamelcfßy, and obfiinately) as Bodo's, whole impteden- cie- h Pro.4.2®. ï A1at. t3.t 6. k Gen.3. 1 iames 3.9. m Rorx.14.rr, n Zh112.tI. o r.Pet.3.rgo p q Ex'od.s3.t3. r fLenis.9.3 so- c Evch,z4.70