Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

ThefireBooke ofDiuii itie, CHAP.5, For b this as our reioycing , the tefimi nieofour confcience, that infngleneffe andfinceritie ofgod, wehaue beene con- uerfwt in the World. For e tree arenot as the rest , thofe whichplay the Huxterswith theWordofGod:butJncereI, lout as itcame from God , in thefight ofGod, doe we f eake ofChrisf: where fincere dealing is oppofed , as you fee, to that ofHunters , which mingle their Wine and other commodities to deceiue men for their gaine. icb 13. For this vertue of being an vpright man ,10B d is c.a,Pet.3.i, highly commended. By the fame, Peter commendeth thofe towhom lee wrote, Iflirre ;Jpyour fincere minde. And the Apofile práyeth for the Philippians, that f they may 6e fincere, andwithout of f ence,vnto the Dayof Ghrtsf, as T. (or.s.8. bee d.oth exhort vs to it : wherefore let vs keepe holiday with the vnleauened bread of fnceritie and truth. Where this fincerìtie, hee terineth all() trueth , as Ephef.4.24.. be calleth that true RighteoufiiefJéand Holí.- . neffe, which is fincere and vufayned. i.petI.bL. The Apofile g Peter noteth it out by puririe, when commending brotherly ioue,hc.wil!e.rh, rharfom apure, that is, a fincere he..irtwee loueone another. For this pur. pole, the infinite knowledge ofGod being query where prefent, and founding the botrome of our hearts and reines,ought tobe alwayes before our eyes, v) held vs in all integritie. Ifour he- rc/hmid 6;ßt turne6ack3onrd,faith rfar.44.19a the Church, hPfalme 44. that wee had forgotten God,, aI,bZ. though it were in fccret f omidnot Godfearch this out, ffeinro bee kyoweth the hidden things ofthe noinde? And I Prat.'3Q.z, D.aurd in the t 39. i Pfafrne Thoukn.niweii my fitting and 403. 3 myri v , thou vnder ndes my Thoughts a f arre o long before I thinke them, or before a word is in my mouth. Tea, thoupofJcffl my re)nes,andtby Knowledge rs more wonder. reef ss. full then that Iamable to difcerne: Therefore faith he kaf. terwards,.fw,atchcontinually to be with thee; that is,night and day it is my care, in all linceritie and vprigbtnefle of good Confcience to cleave unto thcc. To this li;ngle li c f ,rhi!ip,