7'heChie`e l?oints: FromHusbands, cherifhingof their Wines, with all intire af}eéU n. Secondly, it is ofequals one unto another, in lowing, honouring; doingof good toall, but chiefly to filch as by the bond ofNature , or profeflion of the fame Faith, are more neerely linked vnto vs. And la(i1y, towards our felucs the maintayning of our bonef+ credit , and lober efieeming of the graces we haue receiued. CHAP. XI. Ofthefixt Commandement. THe generall dutiesofLoue, are thole that are with- out refped}of degree : And reipea the Petfon of the good things belonging to the Perlon : Perlon, as Mercy and Chailitie. Ì%4ercy, is of the duties that touch the preferuationof en°sperfon. Where the fpeciall vertues, that lcade vs by the hand,to the keeping ofthis Commandement,are Meekeneffe and Kindne fe. M.eekeneffe, in a gentle and peaceable difpofitiorg, readie to depart from ones right"; flow to wrath, and pa- lient to indure wrong,. Kindocile, in a !cuing dofpoftion and helpfulnefle veto other, not onely forgiving offences, but recompera- cing good for euill. CHAP. XII. Ofthefeuenth Commandement. liai itic , is ofthe duties that touch thepuritie of V.Jones perfon, bo. h foute and body; and that afwell in tingle life, its in the Bate of marriage 'which Cod bath