160 The firft Doke of,Dininitie, C Ar.6. bath made; but onely in and by the fame doth worfhip him, whom in his true or falfe conceit hee holdeth tobe God. Therefore it is faid, Matt. r 5.9. In vaine they wor. /hip me, &c. The contrarie therefore of ThePapif}s teach and corn- this Commandement , is, in mand all manner of Will- one word Will-worfhip worfhip, Idolatrie, Superfti- tioas , and their fabulous and when we worfhip the true faynedTraditions. God falfly, that is to fay,af. d Col.a.23. ter our ovine inuentions : d which thing; hate indeed aPhew ofwifedorne in Will.worfliip and hnmbleneffe of minde, and in not fIaring the body, but are not in any eftimation feeing e I.Satn.13.13. they are referred to the _ratifyingof the flfh. e S A ri V E L faid veto SA v L; Thom haft done foolifhy.Thou boll mot ob.. ferried the Commandement of I E H O V A H thygod. Will- worfhip contayneth vnder ir, Firft,Idolatrie : that is,the worfhipping of God in Ima- ges or Idols, whereof God giueth f'o tiraight charge f Deut.4.Xß,t6. fTaleheed thereforeTinto your feines, foryoti faw nofimnilitride in the Day that I E H O V Ail a,e vntoyou in Horeb out of the noiddeftt of thefire : That ye corrupt notyourfeleaes, &make ,om agrauen Image, the like- neffe ofany reprefentation, &c. g Er44o,I8. And the g Prophet cryerh out Vetowhomwillyet liken themightie God?andwhat likr- nefewillyee addreffefor Hi her belongeth that,where hEray451 <. be is faid tobe a hGod, that ?.;10` hideth himfelfe, that is to fay, inuifible, and not to be expreffed by carved Image, : As the The Papifis Idolatrie, and theirwicked and fond diftin Rion, as if the Scripture one- lycondemned fuch Im figes as the Heathen made ter the worfhipping of their falce gods, which is manifeflly c6 fuzed bothby the exampleof the Iewes, Exod.32. and by this Commandement ofd/lo- fes, D: let. 4.iz,is,t6, who,to reftraine the people from I. dolatrie, oppofeth the voice of God heard in the Moun- tayne to all Images, euen to the Image of God hiifelfe, not only to the Image of hea- then gods ; when Iehouah aite veto you out of themid- deli of that fire , yeeheard the voiceof his mords , but f» no finailitude, fame a Voyce tarte heed therefore, &c.