CHAF.7. The thirdCommandement. vfing of his Names and Tii1,s. Of tus publoke Seruice the Pfalmiil a faith , I wall; my hands in it:nocencie , and f o compa f e thine Altar, O I E H O V A H. Of private, the Law is giueta in the cafe of Vowes, Orhes, &c. Ntemb. 30. 3. When a man veweth a Vow unto -I E H o V A H , er fweareth an Oath, bee /ball not proph s to that beeJeaketb. Touching the Reuerend and Religious vfing of the Names and Titles of God , a fpeciall conamination is made, Deut.28.58. If thou wilt not feare this Qlorious and reverend Name I E H O V A H thy god &c. The contra- tie heereof generally is , all lacke of Reuerente in Gods Seruice,and containeth vnder ir, Firf+,Vf`ing Gods Namecarelefly in common t^lke; as, Good Lord ! O God ! &c. when wee neuer thinks vp- on him. Secondly, Idling with the Scripture, or the Phrafesof it, The x Prophet or the Prie or the People , whichAd fay, (in fcorne and derifion) The burden of I E H o v A 1 will vifit that manand his haute. Thirdly, Light pafíì g ouer the judgements of God that are feene in the Woild ; which, becaufe it is a com- mon fault , our Saviour, Luke 13.I. infilleth long to fhew the right vfe that is tobe made ofthem : Were 'bete CAlamos whafa bleud Pi LATE mingled with their Sa- crifices or thofe eighteens upon whom the Towre of 6iloam fell, andflew them, greaterfinners then all othermen,btcaufe theyfisfcred thefe things?Nay : but Ifayvntoyou, Vnlefe ye repent,ye /hall all he likemanner peri/l . Fourthly, Abu[ing of the Creatures to thereading of Fortunes, Deflinies, Prognofli cations , and fuch like, contrarie to the right vie and end of their Creation, which was not to tore-tell things to come, but to diflin- gruifh dayes, moneths and yeeres, as before was opened. Therefore, doth the Prophet EJay worthily fcorne and deride this kind of people, Efizy 47.13; Thou tyrefl thy (elfe with thentukitntdeof thy eounfels. Let new the Wm.' hi, 2 to ert, a Ter.t344;