164 Thefrfl Evokeof Diuinitie, CHAP. 8. logers, theStar gazers, and Prognollicators!$and vp , and faae thee from tbofethings that !hall come vpon thee. In the particular parts of G o i s Seruice , thefe things are contrarie : InOtbes , the contraries are Firfl, to fvveare falfely y Zac12.5,4. It Y !hall enter into the hcafe of him that fieearethfa1fey ki my Name. Secondly , tò fvveare of matters either not doubtfull,or not of that waight that requireth an Oche, or when we know that he for whofe fake we fweare,will not reff in it. All thefe, the ApoRle, Pleb. 6.16. compre- hendeth in one,when he faith, that an Othe amongmen, for confirmation fake, is an end of allgain-fayinsg. Therefore Swearing in our common talke is vnlaw- z Mat.5.37. full : Let zyour communication bee Tea, yea, Nay, nay :for whatfomer is more then thefe, commeth of mill; Thirdly, a Matt.5.37. not to performe that w hickwee fweare to doe : a Thou !halt not forfweare thy (elfe, but performe thine othe to the Lord. In Curfes it is contrarie, when in bitterneflè or rage we curie our enemies,or our felues:with which fault b lob 3. two b of the fingular Saints of God , Job and Ieremie Jer.35. were Rained. In Vowes , FirP ., When they are of The P piß;, things not in our power , whereby the which teach vows vow of perpetuall Tingle life appearetla of things not in or owne power, tobe vnlawful : for asour Sauiour faith, as perpetuall tän- M,Jt.I,A Ie c All are not capable of this , but they gle life. onely to whore it is gotten. Secondly, When wee vow things too.-bate to offer vnto God; s ifa Rich man , to obtaine fume great mercie at Gods hands , would vow to glue fom:°what not worth the fpeaking of, vnto the poore. This Salomon wifheth vs to take heed of, wi,enin the matter of Vowes !nee maketh the feare and reverence of God, in not doing any thing vn\\'orthy ofhis Maieflie one great and fpeciall point, Eccle¡.5.6,3. Thirdly, when we vow fuch things, as are not indifferent to co or to kaue vnd one ;for as to bring the hire