CH AP .7. 3"he third Commandement. 165 hire of a there or theprice ofa `Dogle into the Horde of Godfora Vow,were topropliane his Seruice,Deut.23. 18. So to vow, that in tokenof a rare and extraordinarie zeale, which without vowwe are bound to doe , is ra- ther to dally withGod,then to offer any fpeciall feruice to him. This is plainely taught, Deut. 23. 24. when it is faid,lf thou vew not at ail, it/hail not befiring vnto thee:but the hnne is, in not pertortning ourVow, when wee haue vowed it. And ifwee take a view of all the Vowesof Gods Children, wee thall find them all for the moll part (according vnto this rule) of things which otherwife without offence they might haue left vndone. Such was that of d DA v Y D , 1 will not gee into the Tent of mine "1:132,3,40`, 1-Ioufe, nor climbevp myBcd-/lead, nor fewer fleepe so mine eyes, nor flumber in my eke-lids, till I findout a place for JEHOVAH , &c. an habitationfor the (Mightie God of I A c o B. And that of AN NA, e If indeed loókiiog to the a aSæ afflic7ienof thine Hand-maid, thexwilt remember mee, and not forget thine Hand-maid, but give pinto thine Hand- maid a (Alan- child, then will l gluehim to I E H O V A H allthe dayes ofhis life,andno RazorThal come vpon his head. Such alto vvast IA c o B s Vow, ifI EH O V A H Gedwill f$ `.be withme,andkeeps mee in this Tourney which I goe, andwid sz,xz. giuemee bread to eate,andclothes to poet on,fo that I comea- gaine to myfathers houfe infafètie ; and finally , if I E H 0 V AH will be my God ;Then ( there beginneth the Vow )(hall this Stone which I banefet tipas a `Pillsr,be the 1-lenfe of g.d. Fourthly,When weare flacke to performe them:When g thou Velfrefr a Vow t. I E H o v A H thy God , thou flalt g Dent, y3,sz. net delay to perform. it :for I E H o v A H . thy Godzoill cer- tainly require it of thee, and it ¡ball befinitewire thee. When hoist thouvowef a Vow to God , delay not toperforme it : for k EcCle%5,3. God bath no pleafiare in Feeler. Yet for the performance of fame greater dutie , our Vow may beeput off fot a M 3 time.