Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

time,as the example of theRechabites i cloth confirme, ofwhom the Lord himfelfe beareth witne{ie , that they ebferued the vowof I o N A D A B their father , charging themnot to dwell in houfes, but inTents continually ; though for fafetie of their hues they came to dwell in Ierufalem. For the performance of the duties of this Commande- ment, are required in all , but efpecially in the publike feruice of God ; Firfl, Preparationofour felues before we come : by contdering both the caufe that fhould mooue vs to it,and how toperforme it with greatef}du- tie & refpecî; as the Preacher doth exhort vs: Takekheed veto thy feet, when thotsgoefi into the Boufe ofgood:andhe sneerer toheark!nthen togsue sheft ofFooles,andfacriface; for they knownot that they doe ill.. Doenot conf:efedlyfpeake with thymouth , nor let thyheart make halìe to voter aword before God : for God is in Heaven and thou art upon the earth:Therefore let thy words be few. To which purpofe it is neceffary, that we vfe private Prayer before-hand,and take fpecial view and examination ofour finnes,thathin- der our approch toGod. Secondly, Diligent attention. Being come, and trem- bling at the prefence ofGod , before whom wee (land ; like unto that good woman LYDIA, I whofe heart God opened , that Ate attended to the things ffioken by PA V L. And as Cornelixs did, Ads ao. 3 3. Now thereforeall wee are here prefent beforeGod , toheare all things that are in- joined unto thee of ggod. Whereupon, euery where in the Scripture it is made a proper marke of Gods children,to tremble at his Word : m To thisman doe I looke to him that is humble and ofa broken fpirit, andwhich tremblethat my words. Thirdly, Meditation,and chewing as it were the cud, whenwe are departed ; as the menof nBerhea did; who, after they had heardPA V L) fearcbedthe Scriptures whe- ther ihofe thingswerefo. For 166 Thefirfi Booke of Dìuinitie, CHAP . 7. i 1er.35.7.14. Whereunto arerequüite Preparation, k EacPef:4.7. sa. and Humilia- tion. I At&J 16.14. m Efay66.a. n .411$ 17.12.