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1...... C HAP .7. The third Commandement. -.--.m.. I67 For the fittingofvs to forne more fpeciall parts of his worship, are required both Failing, and a holy Fea'l:Fa- fling, to quicken vs to petition in the acknowledgement of our wants; holy Feaffir:g, to cxprcflc our thankeful- nefle for his benefits. This vie of Falling, the Kingof Nineueh was not ignorant of , when bee gasse O com- m4ndement by the Decree of the King andhis No61e:,fay_ ing, Let neither Men nor TeaTis, nor Heard:, nor Flackes taste any thing, norfeed, nor drink.e water; but let Mon and Beafis caner themfelues with Sack-cloth, and cryTinto God i rondly,dc. Efay toucheth the farne in the 58. P Chapter ofhis Prophecie, Tefaftt not a6 thefe times are, tomakeyour voyce to be heard onhigh. But ofFailing, what it is,and of the true nature andproperties thereof,we (hall haue fur- ther caufeto fpeake in the Do&rineof Repentance. The contrarie hereof, is that which the fame Prophet repre- hendeth in the people, q In that day the Lord I E H o- V A H ofHoafis called toweeping,and to mourning, toSaid- rule,andtogirtingwith fackcloth, and behold, gladnefe and toy, killing of Oxen, andflaying of Sheepe, eatingflcfb and drinkingWine. Let vs Bateand drink!, for to marrowwe 'hall die: that is to fay , in 'lead of humiliation , they gaue then,felues to all kind of iollitie, and bathing of them- felues in pleafures. The exercife of Feafling was taken Tip among'} Gods people, when they had receiued forne fingular benefit,or deliuerance from forne notable euill , which byFaring and Prayer they had begged at his hands. In which Feafls, a more liberali vfe of the creature is permitted, bothfor plentie &varietie,and all kind of honed iollitie, . and pleafure.goeyourwayes,it is faid, Nehem.8.1 1, fat things, and driskefweet things , and fendportions to him for whom nothing is prouided ; for this day is holy to our Lord. So the people went to Bate, and to drink!, and to (end portions & to celebrategreatgladnefJ'e. And in Hefter 9 19. Th9 feldratea the fourteenth day of the ulloneth Adar, M 4 with And when need is, both fitting, to quickenvs to petition in the acknowledge- ment ofour vnworthineife and wants,and feafting to ex- preffe our thankefulnefre for his bane-. fits. o tomb p Efaj 58.4. g EFayt:tit;