Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

168 r, II. 6 13. ?'his is the man- n rof Gods worthily : holy rcfl is the fanaifying ofa time unto his Seruice, which (betide other lime, as occafion gallbeoffered) in a Family,or for ones[Ile a- part,ought(or- dinarily) tobe in themorning and wueningofemery day. fPfal,92.1. Thefrrfi Booke of Dittinitie, CHAI'.8. withgladnefe,and barkettings,andmerriment:, andfending ofportions from one to another. Generally, the Law there- of gluen, Deut.16.14. The Feaf?of Tabernacles thou ¡halt keep feuen dates : thou fholt reioyce when thou keepeft that Feat, c -c. The contrarie is in this Dayof gladneffe to mourne and weepe, for which r Nehemiah and the Le- uitesdoe reproeue the people , Holdyour peace : forado Day is holy ; be notfad therefore. C 14 A. r. VIII. Of the fourth C.wmandement. H E fourth Comrsiandemunt enieyi eth a fan&ifying ofform time vlr o his feruice, both other times , as occabon íhall re- quire , and efpecially force fet and fo- lemne times which fire[ in a Family or for ones felfe apart, ought (ordinarily) to bee in the morningand euening euerieday , as the Pfal- miíl í faith It is good todeclare in the morning thy Kind- neffe , and thy Truth in the night. Thereore was the morning and euening Sacrifice inflituted of God, Exode 29.3 8,39. Some mens zeale bath carryed these further, either inrefpe6ofthe publike calamities of the Church, or their owne more fpeciall and private wants , to per forme this dutie both morning, euening, and at noone, .Euening, morning, and at iiaone will ,.meditate and pray aloud, faith D AV.I D, Pfal. 5 S :i: So`P>aniel Hulce a, . day kneeleduponhir knees , and prayedand confefed before his God, Dan. 6.iT. which is there noted to haue beene his continual) courfe c or elfe this at noose haplymay bce thought , when they came to, receiue their.rz ease with Prayer and Thankefgiuiag.... Se-