Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H A P.8. Thefourth Commandement. 169 Secondly Forpublike exercifes,and meetings of the Church, wee mull doe it on fuch dayes and times of the day , as may iland with the conueniencie of that Church. Thirdly, One whole day in fetten is ofnecefft,ie to be kept holy. This the Scripture calleth by excellencie the SabbathDay, without a difference, as it were the elder brother to all the red of the dayes of the wecke, wach is called t Sabbaths in the plural'. The parts of the fan6ifyingof this day are two : one, to sell from worldly bafineffes and from thofe werkes and dutiesof our calling, which at other times are not sanely lawfull, but expedient and neceffarie to bee done. Theparticular workes that we are thus to abflaine from, are oftwo kinds :Firí},great.afwell as final!,& fu-ial afwel as great. A greater and more excellent worke can hardly be imagined, then the buildingof Gods ovv1 e Houle, the material' and outward Tabernacle; yet, evenThat, the Lord by a flriet and precife caution, doth fpecially forbid vpon this day,Exod.3 r.?3. let, faith he,yee (ball 'Ommy Sabbaths: Not letting your hand in that day vnto this worke, though it bee rnofl holy. Thole holy women that hadOdours, Oyntments, and all things in a readineffe, yet in a religious o'bferuationof Gods. Ordi- nance, forb are on the Sabbath to cmbalme theprecious Bodieofour.Lord and .SauiourChrifl, and are cornttnen- dedby the HolyGhofi for it. They vl rifled, faith L y x the Sabbath Day,aceerdind tease Cammandement.Againe, how fmall a;thing is it togather a few íliekes 1 But when one prefumed so doe this infolently, and !with an high hand in prophanationof the, Sabbath , Wee knowwhat his doome wasfrom the Tomb of'Godhimfelfe, /AT/mob. 15.32,33,34,35,36. In the , come things both neceffarie and deïightfull, of profit, and of-,pleafure. In feed time and in barroe3 , the fittell feafons fox ali.worldly commodities, :hótt, For Church- meetings;on Iùch dayes and times of the day, astray 'landwith the conueniencie of that Church.. But of necefii- tic one whole dayin fuen, is thu; tobe kept holy, t Leuit.x3,15'o & z5.8,8. Matt.bé.I. 4ó1s 2.0.7. I.Cor.i6.z. Markex6.259. Litée 12.04. yy u Lute a3,5.