Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

170 The firfti Booke of ,Diuinitie, CHAP .8. thest Jhalt ,l gepe Sabbath , faith the Holy Ghoff Ex... dies 34.21.Of this kind are trauailing and iourneyingvp- on that Day; whereof the Law is giuen, Exod.16. 29, Tarrieaerieman in hispace : Let no mangoe out ofhieplace thefeuentb Day. Likewife Faires, Markets, and all kind x Nehem.r3.19 of buyingand felling : for which caufe x Nehemiah, that Head verte is. godly Ma ifirate, When thegates of leru alem began to be i6,17,i8, dare befire the Sabbath eersmanded to f g !hut the gates, and charged that they fhoseldnot be opened till after the Sabbath, andJetfame of hieferuanta at the gates, that there /houldbe too burden brought in capon theSabbath Day. Sportingal- fo, banquetting, and fuch like, which dillraet our minds fromGodsSeruice,are then to be auoyded,which is that the Lord calleth,Not to doeour owns delight vpon that Day, E[1 58. 13. The doing of which things, or of any of them, is contrarie to this outward fan&ifying of the , Sabbath. Yet canwe not fay,that all thefe things are vtterly for- biddenwithout exception :certaine cautions muff bee made : Firff, Things ofcommon honeflie , and for necefí'arie fafegardof that which would otherwife perifh, are law- full,vpon that Day.Our Sauiour tcketh that for granted, euer amongíf thole that moff firaightly vrge the Letter 7 alarm tax. of this Law, Whitt Y man is thereamongyou, which hatba jheepe,andif it fallvpon the Sabbath Day into a Ditch, will not take it andpltucke it out ? Secondly, Such are allowed as take vs not away from the SeruiceofGod, but fettle for honeíf and needfull re creation,tomake vs fitter for holy things. Thirdly , Hither belong thole labours and bodily workes , which are done for the letting forthof Gods Glorie, as hee that beingmade whole, Cooke vp his Bed Both with and carryed it on theSabbath Day,loh.5.8,9. 'tublike and private ex- The next part of the fan6lifÿing of this Day, is, to im- ercifes. ploy it in the SeruiceofGod, which is that whereunto the